You’ve likely seen countless posts about this significant day in human history today but I’m going to shift gears in this article and put a spin on it that most people likely haven’t considered. Below is the infographic Mashable posted in it’s homage to Martin Cooper, give it a quick once over and I’ll meet ya on the other side.
Ok so lots of cool stuff there, not really the best infographic on providing a full blown history but it does it’s job.
All I want to do is focus on is the bottom of this image, the last 5 years of mobile. The inception of the iPhone has skyrocketed mobile use over the past half-decade, effectively putting an Internet powered device in the hands of over half the population. 24/7 Internet access to that many people is an amazing thing, it is also a very important piece of information all business owners need to consider.
We’ve seen current trends shift away from desktop/laptop use and towards mobile use. It’s quick, easy to use and always with you. What does this mean for you? Well nothing if you choose to ignore it, but smart marketers have known throughout this shift that mobile is a very important aspect of their future. With only 16% of users use their mobile device to make phone calls yet 1 in 5 have it in their hand every 10 minutes, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what they’re using it for. Mobile website optimization, mobile applications and integrating a system that connects your brand seamlessly across multiple platforms are more important than ever. Taking advantage of that information is the thing that will put your brand in the forefront of a major change in which all consumers are the main demographic.
Expect to see a smartphone in the hands of almost every person on the planet in the next 3-5 years. So as we look back on the day and device that started it all, let’s look forward to the future of a device that connects all. In the meantime consider this, the ROI on mobile and social integration is that your business will still be here in 5 years. Agree?